Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday Nov 11th

Profiteroles and Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream

Nice parking job!

We could not have had a better day that this one. Check out the sky!

We arrived in Paris at 6:30am this morning. It had just finished raining and it did not rain again until around 7pm in the evening. In fact, we had clear blue skies throughout the day. It also happened to be a Holiday in Paris. It is the celebration of the end of World War I. So we had Paris almost to ourselves for the entire morning and more people came out to jog, shop or eat later in the day.
Today, we visited the Royal Palace Gardens, just one block up from out Hotel. Then, we crossed the Seine and went over the Les Invalides to visit Napoleon Bonaparte's tomb along with the museum of World War I and II. We had Onion French soup and red wine for lunch before we headed for the Eiffel Tower. Many people were having picnics on the lawn and kids were riding their bikes or skating around. It seems that there were more locals than tourists!
For dinner, we went to a restaurant located across from the Hotel De Ville. We have been there twice before. While we were having dessert, we asked the waiter to tell us about a night club with Latin Music and he gave us direction to one that plays Salsa. Before we had finished with our dessert, the waiter had Salsa music playing in the restaurant: Oscar de Leon (a popular salsa singer from Venezuela) nonetheless. So, Ed and I ended up dancing in the restaurant. Not bad for our first day. :-)